"A plaintive Brian Michael Hoffman presents an earnest Horton...a compassionate pachyderm who not only baby-sits an egg for flighty Mayzie La Bird but struggles to save the microscopic world of Who from destruction. (Brian's) poignant "Alone in the Universe" and lyrical "Solla Sollew" are
just a few of the gems that are a genuine pleasure to hear."
- Michael Sommers, The Star-Ledger
"To symbolize his
elephanthood, the likable Mr. Hoffman wears baggy gray sweats and
a woolen cap with floppy ears."
- Charles Isherwood, The New York Times
"The performers terrifically
embody their iconic characters, with (an) especially fun contribution
from Brian Michael Hoffman."
- Joe Dziemianowicx, New York Daily News
"Equally fine is Brian
Michael Hoffman, whose bountifully embodied Elephant is as memorable
as the real beast is supposed to be memorious. He had everything
you could wish for in a pachyderm."
- John Simon, Bloomberg.com
Michael Hoffman....take(s) the honors as Horton the Elephant."
- Steve Suskin, Variety
"The sweet-natured,
baloon-figured Brian Michael Hoffman as Horton catches the (audience's)
attention and holds it."